Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wilkemen! (That's "Welcome!" in polka)

Nothing gets the adrenaline going quite like 4 dorky dudes playing polka

Congratulations for stumbling upon this modest little corner of the interwebs. On my brand-spankin' new blog (it has that new car smell - I swear) you'll get exactly what the title promises: What I am saying. And not in that super-lame slang, "what you sayin'?" nonsense that doesn't even make any sense, but literally what I am trying to communicate - whether that be through words, pictures, videos, or music. This will be kind of a repository of random thoughts, new ideas, and inquiries that stretch the definition of sanity. You are reading what is the first post of what I promise will be many with the plan of attempting about 5 to 10 posts a week on top of the other regular social media activities to immerse myself in. Enjoy!

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