Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Film Quote of the Day: Citizen Kane

Charles Foster Kane: Are we going to declare war on Spain, or are we not?
Jed Leland: The Inquirer already has.
Charles Foster Kane: [jokingly] You long-faced, overdressed anarchist!
Jed Leland: I am NOT overdressed!
Charles Foster Kane: You are too! Mr. Bernstein, look at his necktie!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Film Quote of the Day: Heat

Vincent Hanna: My life's a disaster zone. I got a stepdaughter so fucked up because her real father's this large-type asshole. I got a wife, we're passing each other on the down-slope of a marriage - my third - because I spend all my time chasing guys like you around the block. That's my life.
Neil McCauley: A guy told me one time, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." Now, if you're on me and you gotta move when I move, how do you expect to keep a... a marriage?

What I learned on the internet: the auroras...from space!, dumb parents, mystery tunnels and more!

My mind!  It hurts!

Another interesting few days on the internet.  Up today, we have a cool picture, a dumb parent doing dumb things to his kid, a flashback to an amazing college football game, and a couple of crazy stories from around here in Hamilton, Ontario.  Let's get to it!

The Auroras from Space
Not much to say about this, it's a pic from the International Space Station of the "Southern Lights".  I'll leave the description to the folks at The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth:
"While aurora are generally only visible close to the poles, severe magnetic storms impacting the Earth’s magnetic field can shift them towards the equator. This striking aurora image was taken during a geomagnetic storm that was most likely caused by a coronal mass ejection from the Sun on May 24, 2010. The ISS was located over the Southern Indian Ocean at an altitude of 350 kilometers (220 miles), with the astronaut observer most likely looking towards Antarctica (not visible) and the South Pole."
 And, the pic:

Very cool.

Dumb Parents
Once again, not much description needed.  Parent thinks it's funny to attach a rocket to a kid's loose tooth and decides to film it.  Parenting 101 says "propellant and children's mouths don't mix".  Just because something bad doesn't happen here doesn't mean it's not stupid.

Northwestern vs. Auburn in the Outback Bowl 2010
This isn't anything recent or very old...so it's kind of in the internet's version of purgatory.  So what if it isn't "cool" to post stuff that's either only a few days old or super retro - this video will be posted nonetheless!  If you like college football, sports, or surprise endings, you'll love this recap of an instant Outback Bowl classic (I think that's kind of an oxymoron, but I digress).

Yes I know I suck at formatting clips to fit horizontally in this blog.  Thanks for making me feel worse.

The Local Edition

Part 1
Only in Hamilton.  I've been holding back on posting this for a few weeks.  I don't know why because it makes me laugh every time I read it.  Apparently a guy in downtown Hamilton was trying to steal a phone booth of all things.  From The Spec:
"He was wheeling away a stolen booth, pushing it on a skateboard when an incredulous cop caught up with him near King Street East and Hughson Street about 7 p.m.
Police don't know where the booth came from but say Bell Canada values them at about $1,000 each. A 59-year-old Hamilton man has been charged with theft and possession of property less than $5,000."
First of all - wow.  Secondly, he was 59 years old (!!!1!).  Third, what is a 59-year-old man doing with a skateboard??  Fourth, I really love how the reporter makes a point of declaring that the police don't know where the booth came from.

Way too funny.

Part 2
Hamilton roadwork crews had a bit of a surprise as they dug up the sidewalks of Queen Street North.  What did they find?  Well nothing really at all - unless you count the giant unknown tunnel found under the street!  Once again, from our friends at The Spec:
"The tunnel -- believed to be a remnant of Greening Donald Company Limited -- is about two metres tall, about 21/2 metres wide and around 20 metres long. The top of the tunnel formed the sidewalk on either side of the street and runs across Queen, near Peter Street.
"What they did was they put reinforcing steel in it ... and then they poured concrete around it to make it appear as though it was the sidewalk, which in actual fact it was, but it was also part of the roof structure of the tunnel itself," said Jeff Pidsadny, senior project manager in construction with the city."
On a bit of a depressing note, it's being reported that they're going to fill in the tunnel.  That seems like a perfectly good waste of a tunnel to me.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Film Quote of the Day: Evolution

[an alien bug is crawling inside Block's leg

Dr. Allison Reed: What are you gonna do?
Dr. Paulson: We might have to amputate.
Harry Block: Whoa, Doc! Don't take the leg! Ira, don't let them take my leg.
Ira Kane: Isn't there anything else you can do? He thinks he's an athlete.
Nurse Tate: Doctor, look!
Dr. Paulson: It's headed for his testicles.
Harry Block: Take it! Take it! Take the leg!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Film Quote of the Day: Terminator 2: Judgement Day

John Connor: Jesus, you were gonna kill that guy.
The Terminator: Of course; I'm a terminator.

Attack of the Twit (Part 2): Do you ever regret what you write?

Read part 1 here where I describe the strangest, most bizarre social interaction I've ever experienced.

Do you ever regret what you write?

I really did debate about whether or not I should write about this strange encounter I had with a random twitter user.  I mean who knows what kind of issues this person has and who knows if writing about this person might make me a target for further harassment.  But I decided to write about it anyway because it was just too bizarre - it kind of freaked me out and I needed to talk about it.

In writing about this exchange, I made a conscious effort to focus the discussion around how strange the encounter was for me and my reaction to the bizarre nature of the messages.  I really tried to stay away from commenting on the person directly and what potential issues or conditions led this person to message me in the way they did.

Why do I seem to be backpedaling a bit here?  After doing a bit more detective work, I have a bit of sympathy for this person.  The whole time I was in conversation with Chris_Halasz and writing about "him" I assumed that "his" name was Chris.  Wrong.  Reading the twitter bio made me realize that SHE is actually named Christina.  Makes a bit of a difference when googling, doesn't it?

So yesterday I went back down the rabbit hole and discovered a bit more about this person.  First google sighting from a poster named Stigmada:
"She posts here as "Dilgal" among other-- dozens of other psudonyms. She has been in charge of U.S. defense strategy for decades and look where it got us. We can all enjoy the forcible insertion of hard plastic into the collective pocketbook... All so she can fill the press with stories of her "platinum-lined swimming pool". Her cocaine habit alone must be in the millions... And we are concerned that Christina will not be able to stay on budget. Welcome to tipsy-turvy land, everybody. Christina Halasz is too much of a "crack !$%*!$ and "too big a spender" because she will not UAE public funds to force Bill Gates to buy her 7 million dollar diamond lingere"

This post is found in the comments section on the Dilbert Blog by Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic.  This person mentions the right name and seems eerily similar to the types of comments I was receiving.

The comments focused around a post from Scott Adams himself:
"I decided to not delete all of the crazy Canadian stalker comments coming in today so you could see what I have been dealing with for about seven years. Just sit back and watch. It's fascinating in its own way. Her comments are on the strip page as well as here.

She might change her user name from Stigmada sometime today, but it will be pretty obvious which comments are hers."

So, crazy Canadian stalker who has been badgering him for 7 years named Stigmada and mentions the name Christina Halasz in her posts?  Jackpot.

One commenter thinks Stigmada and Christina are one in the same:
"Is it just me, or did she call herself out?

I don't wish to over-reach in coming to a conclusion, and if I am wrong I certainly apologize (feel free to delete this post, Scott), but in one of her stylized rant/postings, it seemed to me that stigmada referred to herself as Christina Halasz (from Grimsby, Canada). It is obviously a bit difficult to discern from the rambling writing, but the post wherein this name is disclosed seemed a little bit like a person replaying an imagined personal insult in their own mind, and spewing it out for all to see.

A quick google search on this name results in more than a couple interesting comments posted in response to blogs, articles, videos, etc. One that caught my eye is at: http://v1.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20081126.wmhlonely1127/CommentStory/mentalhealth/

This is an old article from April 2009, wherein Christina Halasz comments on the story - I believe the sentence structuring is similar to what Stigmada posts.

Also, Bill Gates has given a couple of Ted talks (great site, by the way), and noting that Stigmada has mentioned "Melinda" as well as "Bill Gates", I googled Christina Halasz and Bill Gates, and came up with the following: http://www.ted.com/talks/bill_gates.html

This is Bill Gates' Ted talk on Energy, and in the comments, there is a Christina Halasz that has provided a comment, again which reads a lot like Stigmada.

Again, I don't wish to unjustifiably equate these two people, but the fact that Stigmada used this name seemed significant. However, it is totally possible that maybe this Christina Halasz is actually another "stalkee" of Stigmada's, and if that is the case, I do indeed apologize."

 I tend to agree.

Where the discussion really begins to get interesting is the debate over whether or not this is a real person or a text-generating program...basically an evil robotic troll, every forum member's nightmare.  Here's another example of her writing for you to judge:
Yes, that reminds me-- I did call the office of Scott's employers and I spoke to the woman who managed his licensing and that of the peanuts franchise and found out his editor is also active all over heae blogs, and they were all three of them complicit in the scandal to try and muscle me out of ownership of a cartoon I developed many years ago called, The Purple Planet, which Disney badly wants to own. There have been ongoing threats of murder and sabotage, countless thefts of intellectual property, stalking, with my kids approached by large men in hoods while lit walking their dog-- the list goes on. Using my ex-husband to try and murder and rob me was the past straw. My deceased father-in-law also tried to hire lawyers to help my ex-husband steal it from me, claiming I "did not do the work", when I conceived the entire premise and all the designs-- all because they do not want any nosy moms interfering with their ki ddy p orn agenda. My understanding is these people all work for the Jewish bankers in NYC."

And a summary from one poster of the conspiracies she has spoken of:

 What do you think?

The forum members have a few opinions.  A number of them think it's a text generation program:
"I agree with R.Saunders. Some of the comments seem too random and meaningless to be generated by any human intelligence. It could be a text generating program. It could even be an "auto-stalker" program set up to automatically switch IP's and usernames on some timetable. A few select words and names could also be "seeded" into the program occasionally, to make attacks seem more personal and give it a semblance of continuity, otherwise it could run on its own. I wonder if such a program could develop it's own consciousness? Maybe it is a combination of many programs running on the internet simultaneously. Wow, you could be the first person to be stalked by the internet itself!!!

[She's real. Unfortunately she makes phone calls too. And her (ex?) husband is a cartoonist, but not one you would be familiar with.]"

Others think it's a person with paranoid schizophrenia:
"Wow. Two of my interests sharing a single website. Dilbert and brain disorders. Thanks for letting us see this situation. For me it is very valuable since getting to view a disorder 'in situ' does not happen very often in my life (thankfully) and this is interesting and informative.

The brain when functioning well is a marvel to behold and when it malfunctions it can reveal even more of its capacity. Delusions are just as real to the ill as reality is to the rest of us. After all, we interpret what happens based on what our brain tells us - so does stigmada.

Getting someone the help they need can be tragically hard. If she functions well enough and is not a threat to herself or others then it would be unlikely she would be forced into treatment. Hopefully the kids are getting help to deal with this situation. She will likely spin in her circle just as she is unless she gets worse.

My sympathies to her family and to Scott Adams - and to the others she probably stalks as well. I hope she can be helped soon."

And another poster has taken it upon themselves to do a bit more detective work:
"I almost hate the fact that I've taken this up as a bit of a detective mystery that should have a findable solution, if findable is indeed a word. I hate it, because I feel guilty about trying to find the identity of this ostensibly paranoid schizophrenic person that, if she/he/it is real, then probably could use medication, more than she/he/it needs to have their real identity found.

So, it appears that we have three schools of thought - 1) Stigmada is a real person that is actually crazy and in dire need of meds; 2) Stigmada is a troll (soooo 1990's); or 3) Stigmada is a random text generator.

Stigmada has offered several clues as to her identity:

a) Referred to Christina Halasz in a self-referential manner
b) Has two children - son, daughter, probably removed from the home by child protective services
c) Referred to discussions with Niagara Family Services
d) Grandfather died in an asylum in 1960
e) Saxe-Coburg and Gotha bloodline

I think these point to her being a real person that sometimes may use the ID of Christina Halasz in posting similar crazy comments to other forums. For instance on the Ted forum that I posted earlier, her ID has a rating of -382, meaning she has probably posted many many times with similar results to this forum (when her posts aren't deleted). So, a point in favor of troll.

However, if you pursue the real person theory, it certainly can be noted that there is indeed an entity that can be construed as Niagara Family Services (actually Family and Children's Services Niagara), that has three offices in Ontario (St. Catharines, Niagara Falls and Welland), and these three locations are all close to Grimsby, Ontario, wherein the person that may be the troll that may be Christina Halasz has indicated where she is from in other forums. Also, the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha bloodline is certainly consistent with the surname Halasz. So the !$%*!$%*!$%*!$ evidence is such that this is a person who is Christina Halasz or is a person pretending to be Christina Halasz.

Also, the real person (who happens to have some mental issues) theory would in fact be bolstered by Child Protective Services taking children away and putting them in foster care, which has been referenced multiple times in Stigmada's posts.

I for one would vote for the real person theory, and don't think that it's a typical internet troll (although I'd love to hear a real psychologist's interpretation of a typical internet troll's personality traits)."

I did a bit more googling and I'm pretty convinced that sadly this is a real person who exhibits some delusional characteristics.  I feel bad for this person, I really do.  And I can only hope that she is able to find some peace in her life as the hell that she must go through on a daily basis must be truly horrible.

Do I regret writing two blog posts about this?  I'm not sure.  I think it was really interesting and I hope I treated this subject with enough respect and didn't stoop to making fun of this person.  Some might think that it's a bit exploitative for me to post about this on my blog.  They may be right.  But this really is just a personal place for me to express what interests me and what's going on in my life.  I broadcast it out as I'm looking to start conversations with people.

I can tell you this - it really consumed my mind for the past few days, that's for sure!

So, Christina Halasz.  I hope this post finds you well.

P.S. Sorry for the lack of pictures in this post.  A word of note, don't search the words "bizarre" or "strange" in google images or you'll have nightmares for a week!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Film Quote of the Day: X-Files - Fight The Future

Mulder: [to a bartender, while drinking] I'm the key figure in an ongoing government charade, the plot to conceal the truth about the existence of extraterrestrials. It's a global conspiracy, actually, with key players in the highest levels of power, that reaches down into the lives of every man, woman, and child on this planet, so, of course, no one believes me. I'm an annoyance to my superiors, a joke to my peers. They call me Spooky. Spooky Mulder, whose sister was abducted by aliens when he was just a kid and who now chases after little green men with a badge and a gun, shouting to the heavens or to anyone who will listen that the fix is in, that the sky is falling and when it hits it's gonna be the shit-storm of all time.
Barmaid: Well... I say that about does it, Spooky.

Attack of the Twit (Part 1)

I've really latched on to Twitter in the past few months.  On the surface it appears to be quite the utopian place - everyone seems happy, everyone sharing information, laughter, giddiness - it's all lollipops and unicorns.  It seems free of trolls and the negativity often found on forums and it's not as creepy as Facebook can be.  Sure you get your occasional spammer, but they're easy enough to spot and it doesn't really bother me if they follow me, I just don't bother following them back.

It all seemed great until a strange encounter with a local Twit yesterday.  What follows below is a top 5 candidate for the most bizarre social interaction I've ever had.  I've had crazier interactions, funnier interactions, more anger-inducing interactions - but I'm hard pressed to remember a conversation where I came out of it more confused.  Maybe there's something very basic that I'm just not getting...an "a-ha!" that is tantalizingly at the tip of my nose...my social combatant below sure seems to imply as much.  I'll let you be the judge.

So before I start, just a little context.  I'm always looking for interesting local people (those from Hamilton, Ontario) to follow on Twitter.  I came across a list of local twitter users that the The Spectator (our local rag) maintains.  Jackpot!  So after following some 200+ new Tweeps, naturally I was going to receive a number of follow-backs in return.  I had left my computer for a while, during which time the follow-backs started to rack up.  And one of theses Tweeps began replying to me  Below is a tweet by tweet commentary from this new follower:

Right off the bat, I am caught totally off guard.  Quite the way to welcome someone as a new follower, eh?  "I'd welcome you, but first we need to determine if you are the Hamilton Jew or Virginia resident w/ disposable coffee cup"??? wtf.

I have absolutely no idea what this person is talking about.  First of all, are either of those options supposed to be insults? complements? some jedi mind trick?

And then all of this stuff about a mission statement.  Once again, no clue what this person is talking about.  Upon reading that tweet, my mind races through the list of my online spaces - my blog, twitter, flickr...no where have I written the phrase "mission statement".  But my assumption is that they are talking about the "Bio" section on Twitter, which for me reads "A marketer, photographer, and filmmaker who's a jack of many trades and a master of a few."  Definitely "stuck-up"...sure.

But I sense that maybe this is just a misunderstanding - I'm not looking to start a flame war.  I meekly respond back:

Who knows what's going on, right?  I don't want to start a ruckus before I give Chris a chance to explain.

 Fair enough.  Still confused, but whatever.

At this point, I'm just feeling things out.  After the initial craziness, maybe this person is settling down.  Maybe they're just a bit strange, but nice enough...you know the kind.

Ok, maybe not.  This is the tweet that sends shivers down my spine.  Part of me is a bit freaked out because they used the phrase "the others" and I'm in the middle of re-watching every episode of Lost.  And part of me is freaked out, because...well, because wtf.  I immediately began googling "Chris Halasz" to see if I can figure out what is going on here. Nothing out of the ordinary turns up.  I press on...

 A seemingly innocent response.  Let's see what I get in return.
Is it time to start panicking?  Yeah.  A bit.  I don't even know how to respond to this anymore.  And if you're like me, you have no idea what castrati means either.  From Wikipedia:
"A castrato (Italian, plural: castrati) is a man with a singing voice equivalent to that of a soprano, mezzo-soprano, or contralto voice produced either by castration of the singer before puberty or one who, because of an endocrinological condition, never reaches sexual maturity."
Creepy. So me and a bunch of castrated Italians should go and eat at a fast-food giant of our choosing?  How quaint.

Once more into the foray:

I'm kind of a stubborn person.  I really want this conversation to end, but I want it to end on my terms.  A bit of snark here probably wasn't the best idea.

Again with the fast-food assertion.  But perhaps this person has dropped a clue "but your photography tells me you already eat there-as does your "vision"'.  I scour my flickr photos and the only thing I can come up with is half of a golden arch from a picture in Times Square NYC.
Hardly anything to rouse up this kind of conversation.  Not to mention it's buried 5 pages deep in my photostream.
At this point, I've given up hope on figuring out what the deal is with this person.  I am defeated.

Another stab at me.  What have I done to deserve this?  My body of work?  What the hell is going on here??  What body of work?  And what does this imaginary body of work say of me?  So many questions!  Too many crazy answers!

After this tweet, my eyes are glued to the screen - waiting for the return volley.

Nothing.  No response.  The threat has been neutralized apparently.  Is this a troll?  Is this someone who had a bad day?  Have I met this person before?  Offended them?

After a bit of detective work, maybe some answers in part 2 of "Attack of the Twit".

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Film Quote of the Day: Sleeping Beauty

Maleficent: Oh come now Prince Phillip. Why so melancholy? A wondrous future lies before you - you, the destined hero of a charming fairy tale come true. Behold - King Stefan's castle. And in yonder topmost tower, dreaming of her true love, the Princess Aurora. But see the gracious whim of fate - why, 'tis the self-same peasant maid, who won the heart of our noble prince but yesterday. She is indeed, most wondrous fair. Gold of sunshine in her hair, lips that shame the red red rose. In ageless sleep, she finds repose. The years roll by, but a hundred years to a steadfast heart, are but a day. And now, the gates of a dungeon part, and our prince is free to go his way. Off he rides, on his noble steed, a valiant figure, straight and tall! To wake his love with "loves' first kiss"! And prove that "true love" conquers all! AHAHAHAHAHA!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Film Quote of the Day: Princess Bride

Inigo Montoya: You are using Bonetti's Defense against me, ah?
Man in Black: I thought it fitting considering the rocky terrain.
Inigo Montoya: Naturally, you must suspect me to attack with Capa Ferro?
Man in Black: Naturally... but I find that Thibault cancels out Capa Ferro. Don't you?
Inigo Montoya: Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa... which I have.

5 Reasons Big Ten Expansion is Totally, Ridiculously, Amazingly, Awesome!


In case you didn't know, I'm a huge college football nut.  Especially a Michigan Wolverine fan.  Hell, I helped my dad create a UM fan's ultimate "man cave" in his basement we affectionately call THE M DEN (also the name of a really great Michigan apparel store in Ann Arbor).  It's kinda strange to explain this obsession to my Canadian brethren, but I have created a number of converts.  If you even remotely follow college football, it would be tough for you to have not heard about the seismic changes occurring in the alignment of conferences (and if you have, check out http://frankthetank.wordpress.com/ for everything you could ever want to know about expansion).  After all the doomsday scenarios painted by many reputable sources across the U.S., really not much has happened - at least relative to some of the more incredible notions of Texas and the rest of the Big 12 South moving to the Pac 10, for example.  But Nebraska ending up in the Big Ten is a pretty big deal.  The Big Ten conference is a pretty traditional space within the college football landscape and I know a number of the "get-off-my-lawn" types are displeased by the conferences moves away from the Big Ten's roots.  But below are the top 5 reasons fans should be excited to Nebraska usher in a new era in the Big Ten.

#1 Nebraska Fans

Nebraska fans are some of THE most passionate in the sport.  The joke always goes that there is absolutely nothing else to do in Nebraska other than revere the Cornhuskers football team.  Well...it's kinda true and they own up to it.  They have sold out every game at Memorial Stadium since November 3, 1962.  And they regularly take over opposing teams' stadiums (see above).  Also known as some of the most hospitable fans (a welcome departure from the idiocy that are Ohio State fans), I'm looking forward to them making their way to Ann Arbor and vice versa.

#2 Natural Fit

Nebraska makes a lot of sense in the Big Ten.  Geographically they fit quite well, butting right up to Iowa and fairly close to the rest of the Big Ten states.  They are a traditional power, much like Michigan, Ohio State, and Penn State.  They often play an old-school brand of smash-mouth football that greatly resembles "3 yards and a cloud of dust".  And they're not a big city school - the University is king to the area.

#3 Prestige
Adding Nebraska adds quite a bit of football prestige to an already prestigious Big Ten.  With Nebraska, the Big Ten adds the 3rd most winning program.  That means that the Big Ten has the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 6th programs with the most wins in CFB history (Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio State, and Penn State).  Nebraska is also the most winningest program in the last 50 years.

#4 Games!
The best part about Nebraska joining the Big Ten really has to be the instant amazing match-ups that are created.  Honestly, all of a sudden every single game that Nebraska plays in the Big Ten seems not only extremely relevant to me, but actually exciting.  I seriously can't wait to see Nebraska and Indiana square of.  Really.  But for the more casual fan: Nebraska - Ohio State, Nebraska - Penn State, Nebraska - Wisconsin, Nebraska - Michigan...that's all must-see TV for me.  And then the instant rivalry between Nebraska and Iowa will be superb television viewing.  Nebraska increases the number of big games in the conference by 50% instantaneously by joining the Big Ten.  And if rumours are true, the Big Ten will hopefully move to 9 conference games.  This means there will be one less out of conference game for each conference member - which likely means each team will lose match-ups with Div 1AA teams or lowly Div 1A teams like Western Kentucky.  This is really good for college football.

#5 Conference Champion Games
This is kind of a 4a to the above.  Many traditionalists hate the idea of the conference being decided by a "one-game-to-determine-it-all" type conference championship game, but really what is there not to like.  You're adding another marquee match-up between the best of two divisions within the conference.  If all goes well, it will be held at a great location like Soldier Field or Lambeau Field.  Maybe these are unlikely, but even if it's at Lucas Oil Field in Indianapolis, it will be different than other conference championships since Big Ten teams travel well and will fill the stadiums creating an electric atmosphere.  Not to mention the gobs of money made from such games that is redistributed evenly to the teams and betters the programs of the conference.

All in all, this is a major win for Nebraska, the Big Ten, and college football in general.  I can't wait until they join.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Film Quote of the Day: Fargo

Marge Gunderson: Say, Lou, didya hear the one about the guy who couldn't afford personalized plates, so he went and changed his name to J3L2404?
Lou: Yah, that's a good one.

What I Learned On The Internet: Lifesaving severed arms, stuck trucks, and planned intergalactic explosions

We're blogging in space...

It's been a while since my last educational post of fascinating facts found on the internet, but I promise this will not disappoint. We have quite the lineup today full of...well...don't really want to spoil the surprises so let's just get started.

The Sandpit

First up, a really great video of NYC but processed to look like a miniature.  Using over 35,000 still photos, Sam O'Hare then combined them all to make this stunning video.  Be sure to check out how he did it.

The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.

West Hartford Man Tried To Cut Off His Own Arm

So here's a weird one.  First of all, dude got his arm caught in the furnace...details of exactly how are sketchy, but, yeah, he was stuck there for 2 days. TWO WHOLE DAYS!  Arm stuck in furnace.  Like...whoa.  That's crazy enough as it is. BUT, it gets worse.  Coming in and out of consciousness, he realized that his arm was infected and seeing as how he couldn't exactly make his way to a doctor or anything unless he wanted to carry a freakin' furnace along with him, he did what any sane person would obviously do - he cut off his arm.  Excuse my language but HOLY SHIT! HE CUT. OFF. HIS. ARM! WTF!!

I cringe at the thought of pulling splinters out of my hand and this guy is nonchalantly chopping his own arm off.  Jeebus!  And I'm guessing he didn't exactly have a hot knife sitting around for the job either:
"...using whatever tools were within reach, he started cutting. He managed to cut through most of his arm, except for some fat..."
Oh god.  Yeah I have trouble cutting the fat too...ON A STEAK.  This guy has some serious, eh-hem, guts.

Money quote from his doctor:
"Said Shapiro, "It's inspiring to see someone take their life into their own hands, quite literally."'

Camera survives ocean trip to Florida

Slightly less traumatic story - the journey of a lost camera. So Paul Shultz finds a waterproof camera bouncing off some rocks on a beach in Key West.  He picks it up wondering who's it is, flips through the pictures and sees some underwater shots.  He then proceeds to upload the photos to Scubaboard.com where it is determined the pics are from of the shores of Aruba...1,100 miles from Key West!  Presumably, this camera has travelled that whole way.  A bit more investigation and the owner of the camera is located in Aruba and is sent to the grateful photographer!  Check out the link for the whole story.

Spacecraft Explodes Upon Re-Entry

Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa returned from a mission that involved collecting samples from a comet far, far away.  The vehicle was designed to drop it's pay load upon entering Earth's atmosphere with the spacecraft itself fulfilling it's destiny with a beautiful explosion in the night sky.  Check out the video:

Local Edition x 2

In honour of the World Cup, the Hamilton Spectator does a demographic breakdown of the city by competing team.

And I think this next picture says it all:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Film Quote of the Day: Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Eddie Valiant: So that's why you killed Acme and Maroon? For this freeway? I don't get it.
Judge Doom: Of course not. You lack vision, but I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night. Soon, where Toon Town once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it'll be beautiful.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Film Quote of the Day (3 of 3): Spartacus

Tigranes Levantus: If you looked into a magic crystal, you saw your army destroyed and yourself dead. If you saw that in the future, as I'm sure you're seeing it now, would you continue to fight?
Spartacus: Yes.
Tigranes Levantus: Knowing that you must lose?
Spartacus: Knowing we can. All men lose when they die and all men die. But a slave and a free man lose different things.
Tigranes Levantus: They both lose life.
Spartacus: When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That's why he's not afraid of it. That's why we'll win.

Film Quote of the Day (2 of 3): Monty Python and The Holy Grail

Sir Bedevere: What makes you think she's a witch?
Peasant 3: Well, she turned me into a newt!
Sir Bedevere: A newt?
Peasant 3: [meekly after a long pause] ... I got better.
Crowd: [shouts] Burn her anyway!

Film Quote of the Day (1 of 3): Apocalypse Now

Willard: Terminate the Colonel?
General Corman: He's out there operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct. And he is still in the field commanding troops.
Civilian: Terminate with extreme prejudice.

Film Quote of the Day Moves to "What Derek Says"...Blogger Edition

I've been running a feature over at my Tumblr blog (also called What Derek Says) that I refer to as "Film Quote of the Day" - pretty much exactly what you think it would be. For the most part I keep it up to date, actually posting a film quote (and a fancy pic with it, no less) each and every day. So far it has remained on my Tumblr blog as I actually prefer the look and feel of that blog.  However, as you can imagine, it's kind of tiresome to be maintaining multiple blogs for essentially aesthetic reasons.  And for the most part, the "millions" of avid followers of this blog have no clue that other Tumblr blog even exists.  Seems like too much work to be constantly linking back and forth between the two.  Call me lazy - I prefer to think of it as streamlining my online presense...yes, that's it.

So, I've made a decision to move that feature over to this here "Blogger" blog.  I would have gone the other way, but Tumblr isn't nearly as ubiquitous as Blogger is, allowing me to connect it with other websites (like LinkedIn for instance) seamlessly.  As a result, "Film Quote of the Day" will become a regular feature here.  In celebration, I will be posting Quotes three posts today (also because I was out of town the last few days and forgot to pre-plan some posting).  Hope you enjoy!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Hamilton Panorama

Hamilton Panorama, originally uploaded by dweidl.
Click here for full size. From Tuesday evening. Took 7 photos and stitched together in photoshop using layer masks. First time I've ever tried this and am pretty happy with the results.

Shot from the Bruce Trail on the Niagara Escarpment. I'd like to try this once a season from the exact same spot.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Pop Country Really Sucks!" - Hank III

Will update with some photos/videos from the concert.  Need to find the cord to sync my phone to the computer first.

Went to a Hank III concert last night in London, Ontario and was absolutely, completely, earth-shatteringly blown away by both Hank and The Damn Band...his backing band.  For those who don't know, Hank III (or Hank 3) is the grandson of legendary country musician Hank Williams Sr. and son of Hank Williams Jr. (of Monday Night Football fame...yikes!).  He's a crazed country rebel and can be found in punk circles, most notably with his punk band AssJack.

I enjoy real country music - older stuff for the most part - but don't really know it all that well.  But when my wife first played Hank's Straight to Hell album, I was floored to say the least.  It was like a glass of cold water to the face.  This was one truly insane individual, singing about how he may have overdosed, wasn't sure where he got those pills he took, and that he was going to put the "$%#@ in Dixie" and I won't say what he was going to put "back in Country" - not to mention all the whiskey he drinks along the way.  No joke.  However, if you can stomach the topics he covers (I find it pretty hilarious), he really is a terrific songwriter, musician, and performer with a serious respect for music's history.

I went into this concert not quite knowing what to expect.  I figured he was going to be some greasy, gross, low-life that looked completely cracked out and unaware of what was going on, barely making it through the show.  Umm...more like complete opposite.  This guy was sharp, with piercing eyes that flashed intensity and an alertness about him that had everyone leaning forward to bask in his glare.  Hank and the band were extremely tight, wasting but a moment between songs - which were played at a feverish, yet precise, pace and sounded even better than they did on his albums.  They didn't miss a beat, even when a drunken Hank-wannabe rushed the stage to sing with the rebel himself.  Hank dutifully shared the mic until the bewildered bouncers finally did their job.

This was not a show for the faint of heart.  Hank held none of his crazed-country rebel persona back and many audience members emulated their sonofabitch hero on stage.  But southern hospitality was also in full effect - although energetic and a bit rowdy, the very diverse audience (not in ethnicity but in social backgrounds) respected each other's want of a good time.  No one went too far and the focus was definitely pointed towards Hank and the excellent band members.

Speaking of band members, there were two who really stood out.  The fantastic banjo player was a picture of poise - eyes focused on a seemingly specific point in the back of the venue; a pristine, white, wide-brimmed cowboy hat was perched perfectly on his head; well-cared for facial hair adorned his jawline; his fingers effortlessly danced across the fret board - this guy was seriously in the zone.  My wife swooned for him, desperately attempting to get his attention, but nothing could distract him from his goal of perfection.

The lap steel player was pretty much the coolest person I've ever come in contact with.  Anyone who can split their hair into two long braids, wear a fedora and ray ban sunglasses, play the lap steel with ferocity, all at the same time in a punk country-western band - and pull it off - is the ultimate in cool.  He looked like a Native American Country-Western Blues Brother.  And he did things on the lap steel I didn't know you could do.  Awesome.

So, in short, it was an incredible show - way better than I thought it could be.  Highly recommended.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What I Learned On The Internet: Tessellation, Standing Cats, and TV Failures

Another installment of "What I Learned On The Internet" where I attempt to enlighten my millions of avid readers with some intellectual discussions on how the internet is advancing our society to an ultimate Utopian ideal...or basically what irreverent article or video I came across in the last few days.

Subway to start tessellating cheese July 1st
Big news for all you submarine sandwich eaters out there - Subway will now lay out their cheese triangles in an alternating fashion so one side of the sandwich doesn't end up with more cheese.  This apparently is called tessellating.

Really?  Is tessellating even a word?  I think they made it up to sound like a more complicated process to explain why it took THREE YEARS for them to listen  to their customers to make this change.

First human infected with computer virus
This sounds like it's out of the Matrix.  Are we going to need Neo to come and rid us of all electronically-based ailments in our bodies?  What actually happened:
Dr Mark Gasson from the University of Reading had a chip inserted in his hand which was then infected with a virus.
 The cynical area of my brain tells me that this is a cheap publicity stunt.

Contender for Funniest Video Ever

This is a huge win for the internet. Be sure to watch right through to the end for a spectacular finish.

Lost and Star Wars Nerdom Combine

If only Locke used a mechanical breathing device and was Jack's father and Jack was a whining protagonist that wanted to go to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters.

The Biggest TV Failures of the Past Decade
Clips from the biggest flops of the past decade.  Seems like the Seinfeld cast didn't do to well after they parted ways.  However, watching this clip from The Michael Richards Show still makes me laugh hard:

Local Edition: Skydiving Houdini
Local Hamilton guy jumps out of a plane with a black bag over his head and attempts to un-cuff himself and pull his parachute before hitting the ground.  Apparently this act was due to a bet he made with some Toronto high school students.  Crazy!