Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Waiting Game

Waiting.  It's a terrible thing.

As I mentioned earlier, I had a job interview last week and I felt like it went well (but who ever knows about these things, of course).  And now the waiting begins.

Waiting is only a terrible thing if you care enough about what you're waiting for.  So suffice to say, I really want that job.  But it's not that simple.  Taking that job would most likely mean that my wife and I would be packing up our bags and moving from Hamilton to Kitchener.  When I started this job hunt, we agreed that it would be quite the adventure to move to a new city...but that was when we were talking about moving across the continent to somewhere like San Francisco or Vancouver, etc.  Kitchener is even closer to Hamilton than Toronto and that should make it all the easier for us to move, but the excitement of moving is somehow lost with this option.  However, more importantly the excitement of the actual job still persists and really makes me feel more confident in my interest in taking it since it persists in spite of the less than thrilling move to Kitchener (and don't get me wrong about seems like a really fun place to live, just closer than we were expecting to move, which has stripped a bit of the "adventure" tag from this endeavour).  Really though, this job is cool...amazing space, the people seem great, and the job has that perfect mix of the entrepreneurial and teamwork.

So yeah, the waiting.

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